Monday, July 18, 2011


Good morning, everyone!

As we go about our day, let's look for every opportunity to increase our knowledge. Enjoy the following excerpt from one of my favorite books. 


At twenty-two, I thought I knew everything. Now, at sixty-seven, I find I haven’t tasted a drop from the sea of knowledge. The more I learn, the more I find out how little I know.
- John Copage

Sad to say, a number of us stop learning with any ferocity at an early age. It may actually be despite our best intentions that the door to our mind closes. The demands of earning a living, of raising a family, and of contributing to the community in which we live crowd our lives, leaving little time for nourishing our minds. We dole out our hours this way and that, perhaps allocating time for physical exercise, time for relaxation with friends and family, but no time to feed our intellectual hunger outside of the odd museum visit or public-television show.
The ocean of knowledge is vast; we need to dip into it as often as we can for enrichment and our personal cultivation. 
On this day, I will read the front page of the newspaper, read a magazine or a chapter from a book, or have a conversation with somebody - really listen to him or her and ask questions.
Copage, Eric V. Black Pearls: Daily Meditations, Affirmations, and Inspirations for African-Americans. New York: Quill, W. Morrow, 1993. Print.


Remember to come back here daily for a WORD TO THE WISE. Have a great Monday!

May God bless you real good!!

~~~ Charmalene

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