Wednesday, August 3, 2011

WORD TO THE WISE #28: Coincidences?

Hello, everyone! I hope all's been well with you and yours! I've been very busy getting things together for you! I've got some exciting things to bring you soon. Be sure to subscribe to this blog so you'll be among the first to experience these new aspects of Morning Glory with Charmalene Ulmer. You do NOT want to miss this!!

In the meantime, here's the devotional I promised you. This is the one I shared with you on-air this past Saturday. I hope it blesses you and encourages you to be a blessing to someone else!

God bless you and have a GLORIOUS day!

~~~ Charmalene

The eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love.
-Psalm 33:18 (NIV) 
OUR dining table had languished unused for 20 years. Since our children had grown up and moved out, we decided to rearrange the furniture to fit our new situation. Throwing out our old kitchen table and replacing it with the more stylish table from the dining room was significant for us.
The next Monday morning, I fell down the stairs, broke my leg, and dislocated my ankle. Having moved the table, we had room for my bed to be downstairs for two months while my leg was in a cast. 
I needed quite a lot of assistance, especially for the first few weeks. People phoned to offer help, saying, for example, "I can come round, but only on Wednesday. Would that be of any help?" On seven consecutive occasions, the days offered were exactly the days when my husband would be away traveling for work. I saw these not as coincidences but as God at work. 
I heard a voice inside me say, "I love you so. Do not be anxious. I've sent many to help you." I began to understand. I know God didn't make me fall, but I believe God provided for me in specific and detailed ways as I recovered.
M. S. Foster (Cheshire, England) 
Thank you, loving God, for watching over us in difficult situations. Amen.
Thought for the Day
Help someone who has had surgery or is ill.

Prayer Focus
Those recovering from injuries

Foster, M. S. "Upper Room | Devotional." The Upper Room. Web. 30 July 2011. <>.

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