Saturday, November 5, 2011

WORD TO THE WISE: #47 Dreams

Here's the reading I shared on-air this morning. Let it propel you into this coming week. Don't just dream...accomplish!


It’s time to move from hope to making what we hoped about and dreamed about real. Now is the time for the prophecy to be fulfilled. - Calvin O. Butts

Can any one of us be content with only his dreams? Hardly. Hopes and dreams give us reason to live and struggle but should never replace solid action. To visualize success is one thing to live it another. We must use our dreams to drive us to make us work. Only then can we hope to achieve. Realizing our dreams gives us the confidence to dream more and bigger dreams. And why not? Why put limits on the number and breadth of our achievements. Our work is not for our glory alone but aids and inspires our people too. Opening five supermarkets instead of one puts five times as many people to work. It is our accomplishments as writers, architects, teachers, doctors and designers - and yes, as parents also - that inspire others, not our mere dreams. Anyone can dream; all of us must accomplish.

On this day I will do at least one thing that will help me accomplish one of my goals.

Copage, Eric V. Black Pearls: Daily Meditations, Affirmations, and Inspirations for African-Americans. New York: Quill, W. Morrow, 1993. Print. 

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